Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pest Control!

So this is going to be two posts in one:

My poor Burlynn has been fighting fleas off and on for about two months. Spraying, bathing, brushing, washing bedding, etc. THEY WON'T LEAVE.

She must taste good -_-

So yesterday, having a day off, I was originally just going to trim up her paws, but as soon as I started her sani-cut, three fleas scattered up her tail. Great.

Grooming Stats:
#7F body
#30 poodle feet and ears
#15 face made into a mustache and goatee
Two pigtails
Frenchbraids on the back part of her topknot and tail

Without further adieu, here's the baby!

And regarding the fleas, I found all in all about 7--after her bath in Original Dawn Dish Soap (A groomer's best-kept secret--DILUTED!) we report all fleas picked off were x_x (dead).

Zack says she looks like a moose. I couldn't stop laughing whenever I looked at her...it's out of love!!



Alright ao the most interesting phenomenon happened a few nights ago and I have pictures to prove it--although unfortunately I couldn't get the WHOLE picture...but anyway.

I was getting ready to take a shower and as I was reaching for my towel Zack walks in and says "Oh cool, hey look at the little spiders." ONE: I don't like spiders, although I like Daddy Long Legs--we've had one camping out in our bathroom for over a week now. TWO: I turn around and IN FRONT OF MY FACE are little silk strands with baby spiders crawling up and down them...HOLY &^%(!

To be honest, this was actually pretty cool coming from someone that doesn't like spiders. Had I known what kind of spiders they were, I would've tried keeping them out on our patio. Anyway I killed 'em. I think they came from the vent fan in our bathroom. Zack said usually there's hundreds of babies and only a small percentage makes it out alive. That really didn't help my fear of falling asleep and being eaten alive by spiders that night =/

Here's a couple of pictures. The spiders were SO TINY I'm surprised my camera even got a few in focus!

Interesting huh? =D

1 comment:

  1. Prevention is the biggest part of keeping these critters away.

    pest control salt lake
